jobs act

Controllo a distanza di lavoratori pc

Remote control of employees

Remote controls that affect the privacy of employees, which have created so much controversy, will be done, but in a "privacy-respectful" way. Therefore, it will not be possible to install control tools on mobile phones and tablets supplied to workers, but on those tools there can only be "applications aimed at the job for which… Continua a leggere Remote control of employees


How to get the DURC

The new simplified procedure for issuing the Contribution Regularity Document (DURC) has been operational since 1 July. A simple click will be enough for companies to obtain, in real time, a certification of social security compliance (DURC). The Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the Institutes involved – Inps, Inail and Casse Edili –… Continua a leggere How to get the DURC

indennita disoccupazione

How to get unemployment with the jobs act

The Jobs Act also changes unemployment benefits. The new unemployment benefits introduced by the Jobs Act come into force on 1 May 2015. These are Naspi, the New Social Insurance for Employment aimed at employees and Dis-Coll indemnity introduced to support collaborators. The unemployment benefits of 2015 enter into force today according to the indications… Continua a leggere How to get unemployment with the jobs act
