How to get unemployment with the jobs act

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unemployment benefit The Jobs Act also changes unemployment benefits. The new unemployment benefits introduced by the Jobs Act come into force on 1 May 2015. These are Naspi, the New Social Insurance for Employment aimed at employees and Dis-Coll indemnity introduced to support collaborators. The unemployment benefits of 2015 enter into force today according to the indications present in the legislative decree of 4 March 2015, containing provisions for the reorganization of the legislation on social safety nets in the event of involuntary unemployment. From the first May, therefore, all employees or collaborators who involuntarily lose their jobs can take advantage of Naspi and Dis-coll unemployment benefits.

Unemployment benefit for employees called Naspi

Announced for months, introduced with the decree of March 4, Naspi comes into force today. The new unemployment benefit is aimed at employees who have involuntarily lost their jobs and for those who have resigned for just cause and are therefore unemployed. To be entitled to Naspi, the worker must meet two contribution requirements:

– at least thirteen weeks of contributions in the four years preceding the beginning of the period of unemployment;
– thirty days of effective work, regardless of the minimum contribution, in the previous twelve months.

The duration of the Naspi is calculated as half of the weeks of contributions accrued by the worker in the last four years, therefore the Naspi has a maximum limit of two years. Starting from 1 January 2017, Naspi will be provided for a maximum of 78 weeks.

The Jobs act introduced an additional unemployment benefit, planned on an experimental basis in 2015, which replaces Naspi at the end of its duration. If a worker on 31 December 2015, after the Naspi period due, is still unemployed and in particular conditions of need, he will be able to take advantage of the Asdi. The duration of the indemnity, calculated on the basis of 75% of the last Naspi allowance received, will be six months.

The disbursement of Naspi and Asdi, as envisaged by the decree of 4 March, are both subject to the participation of the unemployed worker in active job search policies.

Guide to calculate the Naspi and how to submit the application.

The decree sanctioning its introduction explains that Naspi "is related to the taxable salary for social security purposes of the last four years divided by the number of weeks of contributions and multiplied by the number 4.33".

The calculation of the Naspi amount is based on the following provisions:

– in the event that the recipient's monthly salary is equal to or lower than the amount of 1,195 euros, the indemnity will be equal to 75% of the monthly salary;

– in the event that the monthly salary is higher than the fixed ceiling, the indemnity will be equal to 75% of the salary plus 25% of the difference between the monthly salary and 1,195 euros.

For the year 2015, a ceiling has been set for unemployment benefits for employees equal to 1,300 euros per month. In addition, there is a 3% monthly reduction starting from the first day of the fourth month of use.

To receive the Naspi it is necessary to submit the online application on the INPS website. According to the provisions in force, the worker must apply within 68 days from the date of interruption of the employment relationship. With a message dated 30 March, INPS informs that "starting from 1 May 2015, it will be possible to use the usual telematic channels for forwarding the application: via the web, through the website; through patronage; through the Integrated INPS Contact Center -Inail".

Unemployment benefit for employees: here is Dis-Coll

The ministerial decree of 4 March introduced, in addition to Naspi and Asdi, also the Dis-Coll aimed at coordinated and continuous collaborators, even on a project basis, who have involuntarily lost their job. Unlike Naspi, the Dis-Coll has retroactive effect and can be disbursed for unemployment events occurring from 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2015. The Dis-Coll indemnity, the subject of INPS circular number 83, is recognized to coordinated and continuous collaborators who meet the following requirements:

– three months of contributions in the period from 1 January of the year preceding the dismissal until the actual cessation of work;

– one month of contributions in the year 2015 or a collaboration relationship of at least one month which has given rise to an income of no less than half the amount which gives entitlement to a month of contributions.

The INPS circular informs that the duration of the Dis-Coll is "equal to half of the months or fractions thereof of the duration of the relationship or collaboration relationships present in the period from 1 January of the calendar year preceding the termination event from work to the aforesaid event".

How to calculate the Dis-Coll and submit the application.

The Dis-Coll indemnity is compared to the taxable income for social security purposes resulting from the contribution payments made in the calendar year in which the cessation of work occurs and the previous one, divided by the number of "contribution months, or fraction thereof ”: thus, the amount of average monthly income is obtained.

The calculation of the Dis-Coll indemnity amount is based on the following provisions:

– in the event that the average monthly income is equal to or lower, for the year 2015, the amount of 1,195 euros, the Dis-Coll is equal to 75% of the salary;

– in the event that the average monthly income is higher than the aforementioned amount, the measure of the Dis-Coll is equal to 75% of the aforementioned amount to which is added 25% of the difference between the average monthly income and the amount of 1,195 euros .

For 2015, the Dis-Coll cannot exceed the maximum amount set at 1,300 euros per month. Furthermore, the Inps circular specifies that the amount of unemployment benefit is reduced by 3% each month starting from the first day of the fourth month of use.

To obtain unemployment benefits, the worker concerned must submit an electronic application on the INPS website within 68 days of termination of the employment relationship. With circular number 83, INPS specifies that until 11 May 2015, by which time the electronic submission services will be made available, the application for the Dis-Coll will also be accepted in paper form using the appropriate form.

NASPI: for the right to unemployment from 1 May 2015

Published: 2015-06-29From: Marketing

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