Lotto and superenalotto extractions
Drawings of the lot updated to the last drawing, Lotto drawings by Superenalotto extraction updated to the last draw SuperStar draws by An excellent superenalotto widget to insert on your site to give your readers the opportunity to always have the latest draws of the most popular prize game in Italy updated. Free… Continua a leggere Lotto and superenalotto extractions
Condominium administration
Condominium administration by: Condominio Sereno Condominio Sereno is an innovative portal that deals with condominium management in a modern and innovative way , with a new and understandable language for everyone! It is not a portal, but much more, it is an integrated service platform, to address and solve condominium management problems at 360 degrees.… Continua a leggere Condominium administration
An Advice Up
A AdviceOn UnConsiglioSu is the blog that will help you in all your decisions! A team of authors will publish many articles for you for which you will find answers to all your questions! Navigate Un Consiglio Su in all its categories, it will be a relaxing and rewarding experience! The blog is made up… Continua a leggere An Advice Up
Pool results
The results combined with the football pools Softvision: EuroJackpot System Software
Remote control of employees
Remote controls that affect the privacy of employees, which have created so much controversy, will be done, but in a "privacy-respectful" way. Therefore, it will not be possible to install control tools on mobile phones and tablets supplied to workers, but on those tools there can only be "applications aimed at the job for which… Continua a leggere Remote control of employees
No more blank resignations
No more blank resignations – This is the phenomenon whereby the worker is forced to sign resignations which the employer will then use when it is most convenient for him. Now it will no longer be possible, because – as Minister Poletti explains – "we tell the employer: if you give us a sheet with… Continua a leggere No more blank resignations
How to get the DURC
The new simplified procedure for issuing the Contribution Regularity Document (DURC) has been operational since 1 July. A simple click will be enough for companies to obtain, in real time, a certification of social security compliance (DURC). The Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the Institutes involved – Inps, Inail and Casse Edili –… Continua a leggere How to get the DURC
Foreign newspapers, foreign press
French foreign newspapers Le Monde Site of the best-selling French newspaper which includes all the publications of the publishing group. Insights, articles and surveys enrich the online journal. In French. Le Parisien The French newspaper allows online consultation of the articles offered daily. The archive and subscription service are also available. In French. Le Figaro… Continua a leggere Foreign newspapers, foreign press
Calculate the tax code
With this tools you can calculate exactly your tax code. Softvision Fidelity Card : loyalty card management software